Plant Pathology Courses in India

About the Plant Pathology Courses

Plant Pathology Courses focus on the underlying theories and concepts of the field and aim at making the participants subject matter experts. Major topics of the study are like plant pathogens, plant viruses, plant prokaryotes, mycology, plant parasites, micro organism, field crop diseases, plant diseases, forest pathology, plant disease diagnosis, plant disease epidemiology, pesticides, abiotic diseases and many other important aspects are being touched upon. Many colleges and universities are there who offer several simple and advance courses in this domain. There are undergraduate and post graduate courses available to select from the list. These educational institutes support with excellent infrastructure, learned faculty members, libraries, computer labs and many other teaching learning support. Diploma, certificate, degree and even higher studies courses like PhD and M.Phil. could be taken as the career choice and one can specialize in his or her desired field. The duration of these courses depending on what kind of course one has opted for. Usually these courses last between the range of 1 year to 5 years or more. By doing these courses various information can be gathered and fair future can be secured.

Eligibility for Plant Pathology Courses

Plant pathology courses are available many in numbers but there are certain pre requites and eligibility criteria also that one should check beforehand. A simple intermediate who has studied botany or other related subjects are eligible to do undergraduate courses like B.Sc and others. All the graduates in the same domain can go further for the Postgraduate Courses. They can do specialized courses to gain the mastery over the different skills. Many students have the flair of research and development and can enroll for PhD and others .They can do their thesis writing and course work under the supervision of a competent guide and mentors.

Career Options for Plant Pathology Courses

Plant Pathology also opens the gate of possibilities and opportunities with many industries and companies. They can work with various medicine companies, plant nurseries, botanical gardens, forest departments, research and development centers, colleges, universities, data analysis companies, and many others. They can work on the designations of biochemist, chemical scientist, research associate, analyst, doctors, lecturer, professor, scientist, lab in charge, manager, research associate and many others. Many professionals chose teaching and training as their career and approach different educational institutions to look for the appropriate employment. They guide and mentor the new students. Many aspirants start their private practice and open their personal labs and research centers. They create their client base and serve them their best consultancies and advices.

Salary for Plant Pathology Courses

Plant Pathology also offer very good salary options for the job aspiring candidates. One can expects a starting salaries in the range of Rs.20000 to Rs. 50000 on the monthly basis. Many colleges and universities have separate training and placement department and they help the aspirants to find put the suitable jobs. They come up with even much better salary packages for the candidates. Though it depends on the knowledge and abilities of the students and their performance in the interviews.

Undergraduate (UG) Plant Pathology Courses in India

Certification Plant Pathology Courses in India

Postgraduate (PG) Diploma Plant Pathology Courses in India

Career Options in Science Courses

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