List of Exams in India

Since the inception of Indian culture, it has stressed in examination of various kinds. In earlier time examination were more of practical rather than on theory basis. Students were to solve the real problems which are being faced in life. At that point of time exams were focused into physical fitness, concentration and related to mental activity. Surrounding of education system in India is abysmal. Indian education system is influenced by political aspect, it is aimed at, making money rather than on providing quality education. As an advent of time this approach is degrading by making the education system more transparent and approachable. Now, approach towards exam have changed, exams are digitized, any individual can give exam by sitting at their home.

Types of examination

Indian education system is not that much regularized in terms of examination, the type and system of examination gets on changing as the current need in the society. Generally there are three types of examination, first is the general examination conducted by various board across the country for the secondary and higher secondary levels. Second are the entrance exams which are conducted for securing admission in particular college or university. Third are the competitive exams for obtaining the job at specific segment in the country.

Entrance Examination

The main objective of placing the entrance exams in Indian education system is for providing and securing the admission in different colleges in India. Entrance exam for different faculty is different. It is based on the study curriculum in which student has studied earlier. Purpose of entrance exams is to test the ability of a student to handle the academics which he is going to handle in future and tells about the in-depth knowledge in particular field. Entrance exam include both descriptive and objective approach. Latest development in the system includes only objective question so that student can get rid of cramming.

Competitive Examination

These types of examination are more of focusing on allotting a job opportunity to the students. Student can take up these exams only after the completion of any graduation degree or in the final year of completion. These exams are of the objective type only covering the various aspects of current market needs and wants. Competitive exam tries to pull out the best talent possible for a particular job profile. Curriculum of competitive exam generally includes reasoning ability, mathematics, data interpretation and general knowledge. It is the exam which s not confined to particular sector or faculty it test the overall ability and knowledge of the student.

Entrance Exams After 12th in India

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