What is Polytechnic education?
Polytechnic can be shortly described as technical diploma course. The course comprises vocational education in the specialized streams of science, technology, engineering or any other technical subject. There are many polytechnic colleges of state government and private organization. Technical education boards of the respective states have the affiliation authority.
What are the education programs of Polytechnic?
Polytechnic offers many specializations. The duration of the course remains three or four years as per the branch. The major branches are Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Printing technology, Computer Science Engineering, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Fashion Designing, Fine arts, Mass Communication, Hotel Management, Computer Application, Interior Designing etc.
Though most of the courses are offered in full time, few colleges offer some of the courses for part time. Few of the colleges also organize programs only for girls. The courses offered by the colleges vary according to the available sources. Many courses include theoretical and practical examinations as well as project work. This allows one to gather the comprehensive knowledge of the subject.
Why to choose Polytechnic as career?
There are several reasons to take up the course as career. Few of them are:
Read about Polytechnic Education
- The courses are offered for less fee structure comparing with Engineering
- Can be obtained after class 10 and avails early earnings
- Guarantees the job after the completion of course
- Many colleges also facilitate campus selections and the recruiters are of reputed companies.
- Practical knowledge with the industrial visits and industrial or technical exhibitions conducted by the colleges in different levels.
- Chance of qualification improvement as polytechnic facilitates the admission to B.Tech. 2nd year or 3rd semester, in most of the states.
- Less competitive path to the Engineering courses
- Provides self employment opportunities
- The courses guarantees minimum guaranteed income
- The project works of the courses or the colleges take up provide practical work experience which can also be useful during the employment
When to plan the career?
The eligibility for the Polytechnic is passing in class 10. The technical boards of the states conduct the entrance test. The admission is usually through the counseling on the basis of the score obtained in the entrance test. Reservations to back ward classes and women are provided during the admission.
What after Polytechnic?
One can choose either earning or continuing studies after attaining diploma of polytechnic. Those who choose to continue the studies can either get admission in B.Tech. or pursue engineering degree of AMIE which is equivalent to a bachelor degree (B.Tech.).
Those who wish to earn have the opportunities of junior engineer. The role and the field depends on the branch one take up.
Machinery production companies like automobile and auto part production, Defense Industry, Electrical companies, Shipping industry, Rail Industry, Aviation related companies and Technology Centers are the major recruiters
The Government bodies like irrigation departments, Water supply, Railways, BHEL, HIL, BCPL, Communication services, etc recruit the personnel of the field. Fashion designing, IT companies, ceramic companies, painting companies, mines, textile companies etc are the other fields.
Self employment is the best opportunity in the field. One shall have a retail shop, repairing shop or be a contractor.