CAT Entrance Exam 2025

About CAT Entrance exam

The CAT or Common Admission Test is the principal management entrance exam conducted on all India basis by Indian Institute of Management (IIM). IIMs constitute the leading management institutes in India which provide all possible services in various business and management areas. The CAT exam is organized by IIMs for the selection of students to business administration programs. Another trait about CAT exam is that the CAT scores can be used by Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for the selection of students for their management courses as a substitute for the Joint Management Entrance Test (JMET). The attractive point about CAT exam is that it is a complete computer based test.

Eligibility Criteria for CAT Entrance exam

The CAT exam is conducted for selection to the postgraduate management courses so the minimum eligibility criteria remain a three year undergraduate degree from recognized institutions. A candidate with a degree in any of the disciplines are eligible to apply for the CAT. A minimum of 50% marks should be secured by the candidate at their undergraduate level exam in order to satisfy the eligibility criteria for the same.

CAT Entrance exam syllabus

The exam syllabus for the quantitative aptitude section is purely based on the mathematics curriculum of grade 12 level. The questions aim at solving real time problems by the application of mathematics concepts. Logical reasoning questions, check the capacity of the student to evaluate problems with interpretation of tables, charts and graphs. The verbal ability section aims at testing the English language standards. Verbal logic pertains with the logical aspects of the language.

How to apply for CAT Entrance exam

The procedures for registration and for applying to CAT is completely based on online methods. The official website will carry all the details on how to apply for CAT, eligibility criteria and other related details. The candidates are expected to read and understand all the instructions provided in detail before applying. The aspirants can pursue any of the online banking methods like use of debit or credit cards or net banking for payment of application fees.

CAT Entrance exam pattern

The major areas of the test include quantitative ability, verbal ability, data interpretation, and logical reasoning. The exams are conducted in two sections, consisting of a total of 100 questions that are divided equally between quantitative ability & data interpretation section and verbal ability & logical reasoning section. The exam has a duration of two hours and fifty minutes. The basic exam pattern consists of two sections and there is no specific sectional time limit. Along with a common score, there is a specific score allotted for each section. The sectional cut offs vary based on the students’ performance each year. The raw score and scaled score are the two types of scoring seen in the CAT exam. For obtaining the raw score, four marks is given for correct answer and one mark is deduced for a wrong answer. Scaled score is calculated by equating the raw score in a common scale for proper assessment. The final selection is done on completion of interviews and group discussion.

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