Career Options in Archeology

Archeology, considered to be a science as well as humanity, is the study of human activities of the past, through the discovery as well as analysis of the culture and environmental data left behind. Learning and understanding about pre-historic societies where written records are not available, from the stone tools till the recent decade is Archeology. Surveying as well as excavation and finally analyzing the collected data to understand more about the past is involved in Archeology. But it doesn’t mean that archeology is used to study only the prehistoric and preliterate cultures but also historic, literate cultures.

Career Option in Archeology Eligibility

A graduate degree in any discipline, though a degree in history, sociology or anthropology helps the archeologist understand more about the concepts of Archeology. Those who would like to go in for post graduate courses should enquire about the acceptable degree courses before opting for a degree course. Scholars can also go for Doctorate degree or take up lectureship after completing the formalities and norms as per the rules of the University Grants Commission.

Career Option in Archeology Required Skills

Other than obtaining a degree, an Archeologist should have some of the following skills.

  • Interest and abundant knowledge about history
  • Good reading habits
  • Excellent writing skills and good handwriting
  • An analytical and focused mind
  • Lots of patience, determination and perseverance
  • Knowing different ancient languages as well as some principal modern languages
  • Learn latest IT techniques
  • An eye for detail
  • Ability to live in any harsh condition
  • The aptitude and interest to do research

How to enter the field of Archeology

It is better to start as early as possible and once the learner absorbs more about the country’s splendor, the attraction for a Career in Archeology will only increase. Frequent visits to museums as well as cultural centers, historical monuments and excavation sites will only ignite the interest and attraction to the profession of Archeology. Once a degree is attained one can visit archeological sites, museums, libraries, search online and gather the necessary information or one can volunteer in fieldwork projects.

Career Option in Archeology Job Description

Archeologists study human activities of the past by excavating as well as dating and interpreting objects and sites of historical interest. Geographical surveys, aerial photography are used for locating the places. The surveys are then well planned and excavation is done which is examined, documented and the artifacts are preserved. Photographs and drawn records are made, reports are written either in newspapers or as reports, mathematical, statistical and computing is then done.

Career Option in Archeology Career Prospects

Archeologists can get employment in museums, in heritage agencies and the local government but special skills will open doors to many other lucrative careers. Volunteer work will increase the prospects as the employer will need to know the physical fitness and resilience of the person and one will be able to build up a good network of contacts while doing so.

Career Option in Archeology Salary

The salary of an Archeologist depends upon the degree of the person, experience as well as the employer.

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