Career Options in Yoga

One of the ancient forms of keeping the body healthy, yoga is today a highly accepted form of exercise. Since meditation is also a part of yoga, it is essentially seen as a remedy for all kinds of mental stress and strain. Today it is accepted that with yoga a number of health problems can be treated and cured. With the increase in the popularity of yoga, there is a great demand for the professionals for the role of yoga instructors to impart the training to aspirants interested in learning yoga. Besides being a yoga instructor, there are opportunities for the role of yoga therapists who are more advanced in the learning of yoga techniques.


There are many colleges and educational institutions that offer an undergraduate degree course in Yoga therapy, and Yoga and meditation. Minimum qualification to be a yoga instructor or a yoga therapist would be an undergraduate degree in yoga. There are many yoga teacher training programs conducted which could lead to a job of a yoga teacher in educational institutions and yoga learning centers.

Required Skills

Apart from the academic qualification and the certification to be a yoga instructor it is also essential that they possess some of the following skills that include:

Skills to motivate others to believe in yoga

Communication and interpersonal skills

Strong determination and will power to practice the most difficult “asanas” or yogic positions.

How to become a Yoga instructor / therapist

To become a yoga teacher, instructor or therapist, it is essential that the person undertake a long training session to be completely familiar with all the asana and the rules of yoga postures. The benefits of each posture must also be known to the person. So an in-depth knowledge, practical experience and academic training all put together can lead a person to a very successful career in yoga.

Job Description

The role of the yoga instructor, teacher and therapist has many responsibilities which include:

  • Training people in the “asanas” of yoga
  • Teaching the people the proper method of meditation
  • Explaining the health benefits of each yogic “asanas”
  • Informing the right food habits, lifestyle changes if required and basically giving information about living a higher quality of life.

Career Prospects

A wide choice of careers in the sphere of yoga include, teaching, training and being involved in the same in various industries. Today with tourism being connected with healthy living in many parts of India it is possible to be connected to a health resort to provide yoga training to tourists from all over the world.


A highly lucrative salary can be expected by a yoga trainer or teacher but it would largely depend on the area or the industry in which they are working. If connected as a trainer to a school, the level of the salary range would not be so high in comparison to the salary that can be expected by a yoga trainer who is connected to a 5-star rated health resort or hotel.

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