Universities in Uttar Pradesh

Education in Uttar Pradesh has come down the ages from the ancient times and today it has developed vastly and there are many Institutes of National Importance that include IITs in two districts of UP, IIM, NIT, and some others. The Universities are

Central Universities in Uttar Pradesh

There are four Central Universities in Uttar Pradesh and they are situated in four major cities of Uttar Pradesh. Each of these Central Universities in Uttar Pradesh have been established before Independence of the country and therefore have a long heritage.

The State Universities in Uttar Pradesh

There are as many as 20 State Universities in Uttar Pradesh and a university is situated in almost every major district of the state. There are State Universities in Uttar Pradesh for medical, technology, law, and others but a special university in Uttar Pradesh is dedicated to the special students who are challenged in many ways. There are two or more State Universities in Uttar Pradesh offering various Courses in Agriculture and technology. Almost all the State Universities in Uttar Pradesh offers courses in most of the subject areas of study. All the State Universities in Uttar Pradesh offer Undergraduate, Postgraduate and research program, besides diplomas and certificate courses. Vocational training is also offered to students in Technical Universities in Uttar Pradesh

Deemed Universities in Uttar Pradesh

There are almost 10 Deemed Universities in Uttar Pradesh, which have been established by the HRD Ministry under the Government of India. The Universities in Uttar Pradesh are spread across the state of Uttar Pradesh and offer courses like, Music, Tibetan Studies, Agriculture technology and Medicine.

Private Universities in Uttar Pradesh

There are about 14 Private Universities in Uttar Pradesh and besides the general and technology courses, the other Private Universities in Uttar Pradesh include a university for the disabled, and an institute that offers among others course Defence Studies.

A large number of institutions also provide extensive research programs in various areas of study.

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