Distance Education Colleges in India

Distance education is an mode of study in which the student need not be physically present but can take the classes virtually through the internet or through any other medium by which both the teacher and student find it convenient to communicate. The student’s physical presence may be needed only for short term workshops, contact classes and examinations.

Today having understood the benefits of the distance mode to spread education, a number of Distance Education Colleges in India have been established.

Popularity of Distance Education Colleges in India

The major reasons for the popularity of the Distance Education Colleges in India is its low, affordable fees and the flexibility it offers. Another reason for the popularity of Distance Education Colleges in India is that today there are a large number of courses that are offered providing the student options to choose the course depending on the skills, capabilities and the specialized career.

Courses - Distance Education Colleges in India

A large number of common and very rare courses are offered by the Distance Colleges in India. Apart from the degree and diploma courses, there are certificate courses offered. Postgraduate and research programs are also offered in the different Distance Education Colleges in India. Some of the rare courses include Women’s empowerment, rural education, defence education and in the areas of politics, social development, special education and some of the management courses. For example the Diploma in Panchayat studies is a rare course offered (IGNOU)

Admissions - Distance Education Colleges in India

Enrolment is usually through an admission test conducted by each individual Distance Education Colleges in India. In most cases the take-in period is in January and June. Admission tests are held about 3 month prior to the take in period only for the Degree courses and above. For the diploma and certificate courses a school or +2 certification is required and no admission test is required. The age criteria is applicable too.

Types - Distance Education Colleges in India

here are basically two types of Distance Education Colleges in India. One of them is under the central government Human Resources Ministry and the other is the various Distance Education Colleges in India that come under their respective State Universities.

Evaluation - Distance Education Colleges in India

The mode of evaluation differs from the normal examination system as in the Distance Education Colleges in India the evaluation is done on the basis of the assignments, projects, and term end examination for which the percentage of marks are allotted accordingly.

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