Savitri Pooja Festival 2025

What is Savitri Pooja Festival?

Savitri Pooja is a Hindu festival which is celebrated by the married women in which they pray for well being and prosperity of their spouse. This festival is celebrated by most of the Indian women in every part of the India with full dedication and devotion. This fast is mainly done for husband by Indian ladies for their longevity of husband life. This fast is mainly for love and devotion part for her husband.

History of Savitri Pooja Festival?

The legend behind this Savitri Pooja is related to Savitri who has succeed in bringing back her died husband Satyavana by penance which is severe in nature. This festival is named after the married woman Savitri. The story behind this legend is that the savitri is the daughter of king Ashwapati who loved the prince of exile. One day when the prince Satyavana fall from the tree and died. Savitri appealed to Yamraj for her husband life. She also commented that if her husband soul is taken she would also end her life. On hearing this Yamraj returned the life of Savitri and they both live happily together.

How Savitri Pooja Festival is celebrated

On this day women perform many rituals and keep fast for their beloved husband. They used to worship Savitri as goddess and pray for their husband life. This festival begins two days before and continues for 3 days. On this day women wake up early in the morning and take bath and dressed in new clothes. In afternoon women have to bow their head in front of their husband and takes blessings from her husband. On this great day Banyan tree is also worshipped. All women used to pour Ganga water on tree and also wrapped red thread around it and take 108 times round around the trees.

On this great day women used to offer Rice, mango, jack fruit, lemon, pulses and banana along with other fruits to goddess savitri as bhog. After having fast for the whole day and after being all the rituals done by the priest, women finally at last have the Bhog at the end of the day.

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