Navaratri ends Festival 2025

What is Navaratri Ends?

Navaratri is the festival of Nine days in which people used to enjoys a lot along with worshipping and puja part. This festival is celebrated every year in the month of September and October for nine nights. This festival is related to goddess Shakti along with her various forms. This festival is divided into three days in which first day are related to Goddess Durga, second day to Goddess Laxmi and the last day to Goddess Saraswati. During this period of nine days people used to go for fasting for 9 days.

History and Celebration of Navaratri festival

History of Navaratri

There are many legend related to Navaratri, one of the famous legend is related to Lord Rama, that before going to lanka, in order to rescue Sita from ravan lord Rama worship devi durga and prays for best. So people consider this period after 9 days Lord Rama has gained victory over ravan by killing him.

On the tenth day they used to celebrate this day as Vijay Dashmi as on this day Ravan was killed by Ram.

How Navaratri festival is celebrated?

During the period of Navarati people used to perform various dances around earthen lamp which represent Goddess Durga and this is kept in a mud jar which is called as Garbha. People used to keep this Garbha in the middle of such place where they used to perform their dances by clapping their hands.

This day had a great significance to all the people of various religions where in the Gujarat people use to celebrate this festival by doing various dances called Garbha and next one is dandayia in which people use sticks to perform the dances.

Navaratri is celebrated by almost every people of different religion. At some places idols of Devi Durga is kept for nine days and the places are decorated nicely by flowers and lighting. All nine days they all are engaged in puja and worshipping part. On the last day Idols of Devi Durga are needs to be immersed into the water and people used to take Devi durga nicely by singing and chanting devotional songs.

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