Guru Purnima / Asadha Purnima Festival 2025

What is Guru Purnima Festival?

This festival is mainly celebrated by Hindu and Buddhists community where they offer special pooja and give respect to their disciples or Guru. This festival falls on the Full moon day known as Purnima in the month of June and July. This festival is also celebrated by the Buddhist community in order to give respect to Lord Buddha who gave his sermon on this day. On the other hand Hindu used to give respect to their disciple Vyasa who is considered the best guru in ancient time. On this great day Vyasa also begin to write Brahma sutra.

History and celebration of Guru Purnima

History of Guru Purnima Festival

Guru Purnima is related to the story of Lord Buddha who went to Bodhgaya for enlightenment. After attaining enlightenment, Buddha travelled to Isipatana in order to teach them. He had seen that his five formers would be able to understand the dharma quickly. After that they all five received enlightenment. On that time the new community was founded which has named as Sangha. So this day is celebrated as Guru Purnima when Lord Buddha received Enlightenment.

How to celebrate Guru Purnima Festival

Guru Purnima is celebrated in the month of July and August which is considered the most auspicious day. This day is celebrated in remembrance of sage Vyasa who wrote 18 puranas. This day has a great significance on all farmers. On this great day devotees used to awake in the morning at 4 am and chant their prayers. This day is celebrated at various Asharms. This day is also celebrated in some places outside India.

Guru is worshipped on this great day in order to attain the path of God realization. On this day many cultural programs along with spiritual things are organized in many places. Bajhan Samarohas are also organized. They offer flowers and sweets to the spiritual gurus on this special day. According to Jainism this day is referred as the beginning of four months of rainy season. Students who believe in guru shishya parampara also celebrate this day with great enthusiasm all over the world.

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