Holi Festival 2025

What is Holi Festival?

Holi is the Hindu festival which is almost celebrated by every people. This festival falls on the full moon day in phalgun month, the month of March. This festival is also known as the festivals of colors. It is celebrated when the winter season comes to an end. People used to throw color powder along with color water on each other on this special day. Bonfires are lit on this festival, which is also known as holika dahan. This festival is also known as the beginning of the new festival spring season.

History of Holi festival

History of Holi festival reveals that the victory of good evil over the bad one. This festival is also related to king Hiranyanakashipu, who was the ruler and want to exhibit his power to all the people. His own son prahlad refuses to obey him because he was the main follower of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyanakashipu want to punish his son so he ordered the holika to put prahlad in her lap and sit on the bonfires because there will be no affect to holika as she will never be burnt. But on that night prahad while sitting in her lap was praying to lord Krishna. On reverse prahlad was saved and holika was burnt in fire. This day is also celebrated the love day of Radha and Krishna along with the beginning of spring season with warm and beautiful day.

How Holi festival is celebrated

Holi is also known as colorful festival which is related to unity and brotherhood. It is celebrated without any consideration of caste color and creed and celebrated by most of the people who used to throw colors and colors water to each other and enjoys this colorful event. On this special day people used to prepare several dishes and exchange greetings. People also used to have bhang on this special day. Different people of the different state celebrated this colorful festival with great enthusiasm. People used to take part in bonfires which is conducted at public place, which signifies the legend related to holika and prahlad.

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