Colleges in Visakhapatnam

A prime center for education in Andhra Pradesh, has an array of different types of Colleges in Visakhapatnam are located there. Some of them are governed by the state, some are private managed colleges, of which there are some which are managed by missionaries that set up educational centers during the British rule. There are some Colleges in Visakhapatnam that have been established by the Central Government.

Central Government Colleges in Vishakhapatnam

The Indian Maritime University is a Central university under the Government of India. The university has two Colleges in Visakhapatnam operating under it.

  • School of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering. Some of the courses conducted there include the naval architecture and ocean engineering
  • Maritime Design & Research is the other college where research studies are encouraged
  • Other Central Government institutions in the related field is the National Institute of Oceanography is also a central government institution that facilitates research in the field of oceanography

The State Government Colleges in Visakhapatnam

There are number of Colleges in Visakhapatnam affiliated to the State University which is located in Visakhapatnam. Besides offering professional courses like Engineering and Medical Colleges in Visakhapatnam there are many general colleges that offer courses in Arts Science and Commerce degrees.

A Law university with a number roof Law Colleges in Visakhapatnam offer varied courses in Legal studies. Students can enrol in the degree course up to the research level in the University of Law. Students with 45% marks and above in the graduation are eligible for admission to the law Colleges in Visakhapatnam.

Admission to all the professional courses in various Colleges in Visakhapatnam is on the basis of the central as well as the state entrance examination in addition to the higher secondary certificate. For the general courses in the Colleges in Visakhapatnam a higher secondary pass certificate is sufficient.

(124) Colleges Found

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