Career Options in Animation

Animation as a sector has gained a huge popularity due to the growth and development of multimedia, online gaming industry, the entertainment industry and the advertising industry. One of the main reasons a career in the Animation industry is so exciting is because it is a perfect blend of technology and entertainment in the form of games, music, movies and loads of opportunities to exercise the creative talents of a person.


The eligibility criteria to join the animation industry is that besides the educational qualifications that one has to acquire, the inherent talent and gift for drawing, sketching and painting should be in the candidate. The educational qualification required usually is an undergraduate degree or diploma in animation, which the candidate can take up after the 10+ 2 or higher secondary in any stream. After the undergraduate degree, the candidate needs to specialize in any sectors of the animation industry and the more the certifications in specializations there better opportunities the candidate is likely to get.

Required Skills for a Career in Animation

Basically the skills of an artist and creativity are the major skills required. Besides, if working as a freelancer, self-discipline and management qualities too would be needed. If working in an industry, there may be industry specific skills as well as generic skills that include:

  • High level of technical skills.
  • Management skills,
  • Team spirit and skills in managing, working in and leading a team as the case may be.
  • Organizational skills
  • Time management
  • Communication and inter-personal skills
  • Aesthetic sense and a good sense of color and color combinations

How to become an Animator?

To become an animator, you need to start off as a freelancer so that you can promote your work. Getting into an industry might prove difficult at this point of time in spite of the fact that you are qualified and have the required academic degrees. The reason is that the industry is at its developing stage. Nevertheless, there are many opportunities to enter the animation industry and having a very impressive portfolios is a great advantage. So, it’s best to take part in competitions, take up freelancing working and overall have a good volume of work to show when attending interviewers.

Job Description

One of the best jobs of an animator is that it has a magical touch to it. Giving life to objects and characters is what the job of an animator is. Creating 2D and 3D effects, making the object speak like people and making known and unknown characters move about in familiar environments is part of the job of the animator.

Career Prospects

There are many opportunities for most industries need advertising. Moreover, with the popularity of the online gaming increasing there is always opportunities for growth and development as an animator.


The professional in the animation sector are paid quite handsomely as the demand is high. For the most deserving the salary levels can be really lucrative. Since animation requires a lot of creativity too, the more creative people get really attractive pay packages.

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