KMAT Entrance Exam 2025

About KMAT Entrance Exam

KMAT or Karnataka Management Aptitude Test is an annual state level admission test conducted by the KPPGCA (Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges’ Association). This offline examination conducted in various centers in Karnataka and Kerala, qualifies a candidate for admission to MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MCA (Master of Computer Application) courses in almost 170 institutions in Karnataka. A candidate appearing for KMAT can apply for MBA, MCA or both courses as mentioned in the application form.

KMAT Entrance Exam Eligibility Criteria

  • All candidates applying for KMAT need to have completed their 10+2 before undergoing graduation.
  • Graduates in all disciplines including Arts, Science and Commerce from institutions recognized by the HRD ministry of the Government of India are eligible to appear for KMAT examinations
  • Graduate students awaiting results are also eligible to apply for the examination.
  • All applicants must have a minimum aggregate of 50 percentage including languages for their graduation degree.

How to Apply for KMAT Entrance Exam

Candidates may download the application form from the official KMAT website or purchase it from participating colleges for Rs. 50/-. Exam fees should be paid through a Crossed Demand Draft favoring ‘KMAT’ and payable at Bangalore. Application forms complete in all aspects along with the DD should be sent to ‘The Secretary - KMAT 2012, Sheshadripuram First Grade College, C. A. Site NO. 26, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore – 560 064’. Application forms received after the last date of submission shall not be considered.

KMAT Entrance Exam Pattern

There are 3 different types of exams based on the application by the candidate. The MBA exam consists of 3 objective type papers that test the candidate in Basic Aptitude, Language Comprehension and Mathematical Skills. The MCA exam consists of 3 objective type papers that test the candidate in Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension and Mathematical Skills while the combined MBA –MCA exam consists of 4 objective type papers that test the candidate in Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Logical Reasoning and Basic Aptitude.

The question paper is objective with multiple choice answers. Each section has 40 questions each and 40 minutes are allocated for answering each section. Thus, the MBA and MCA papers last for 120 minutes while the combined MBA-MCA paper lasts for 160 minutes.

KMAT Entrance Exam Syllabus

The exam syllabus for KMAT is not defined.

  • Language Comprehension comprises of Grammar and English vocabulary including Reading comprehension, antonyms, synonyms, tenses, preposition and essay writing.
  • The Mathematical Skills section involves problems dealing with the number system, BODMAS, percentage, probability, work & time, profit & loss, geometric progression, permutations & combinations, Algebra and height & distance.
  • Logical Reasoning comprises Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning, Problems on Clock, and Sitting Arrangements as well as Data Interpretation, Venn diagram, Analytical & Critical Reasoning and Data Sufficiency.
  • Basic Aptitude is the General Knowledge section and includes questions about Major Corporate Events, Business, World Records, Current Affairs, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment, Geography, Finance, Awards & Prizes, Automobiles, Science, Books & Authors, History, International Organisations, and Important Personalities and so on. The questions may be static or dynamic and also include USP’s of companies or products as well as basic computer and Management concepts.

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