Career Options in Travel And Tourism

Travel and Tourism helps earn foreign exchange for any country it also provides employment to a large number of people. Industries develop and many associated service industries also benefit from Travel and Tourism though the results will not be seen directly. People working in Travel and Tourism help transport people to new and exciting places, provides all accommodation facilities in those places and provide sightseeing and many other activities.

Career Option in Travel & Tourism Eligibility

To become a Travel and Tourism operator, there are many certificate courses, undergraduate, post graduate and diploma courses.

Career Option in Travel & Tourism Required Skills

A Tourist Operator should

  • Be able to have good rapport with people of all ages and varied cultures
  • Good leadership qualities and teamwork
  • Maturity and good selling skills
  • Good sense of humor and strong customer service
  • Confidence in oneself and the work and organizational abilities
  • Leadership qualities and trustworthiness
  • Good common sense, practical nature and general knowledge
  • Problem solving ability and attention to details
  • Good memory power
  • Be interested in geographical as well as historical sites

How to become a Travel and Tourism Operator

A certificate course is enough to enter the industry, but the higher the degree, the better the position in Travel and Tourism. Good passion for travel and commitment are the other qualities needed for a Career in Travel and Tourism. The tourism industry has a very wide scope as there are job opportunities, direct as well as indirect in many of the industries. An undergraduate degree and work experience is enough to enter the field of Travel and Tourism. One should be able to work all odd hours, solve problems with ease and have good communication skills. There are online courses, online degree and post graduate courses, certificate programs and training programs for those who are interested and are not able to attend regular classes.

Career Option in Travel & Tourism Job Description

Travel and Tourism services are provided to all types and ages of people who go away from home, either for business purposes or for a holiday. Handling of passports and visas, sometimes travelling with the clients as tour manager dealing with travel bookings, giving advice on various travel destinations, managing offices, human resources, work as a business development manager, as a PR or an Event Manager. A travel counselor guides the traveler, provides destination guidance, accommodation and transport costs. All tickets as well as hotel reservations and arranging travel insurance, should be provided by the travel counselor.

Career Option in Travel & Tourism Career Prospects

One can operate one’s own travel agency, be a customer’s sales executive, be a product designer or an itinerary planner, be employed in the booking and reservation department. A travel counselor is responsible for destination promotion, deals with foreign exchange and sells tourist packages. A travel counselor also provides services for leisure tourism as well as for corporate tourism.

Career Option in Travel & Tourism Salary

The returns and perks will depend upon the services provided and the agency one works for. For those who operate their own agencies the returns depend upon the working and managerial skills.

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